Saturday, April 01, 2006

('in the drink)

Oh, I came too quickly, laughed too loudly,
*cut too-short,
No x-cusses,
‘didn’t take much ‘put me back, where I belong…(‘in the drink)
But, was With, Who, Where, and How…
I was out…(‘in the drink)
Half empty, a fools-fullI’d stood bar-stool high,
glass upturned, head hung low
Awaiting my magic, blood-coursing moment
The tingle tangle warmth through my veins,
to fill’ her up….finally.(‘In the drink)
Oh, But I was so unlike the likes of you. all.
Or so it seemed, that is, until I put me back…(‘in the drink)
But, every time/town/Tom/Dick or Harry
how many bottoms was I willing to drop?
I’d sink a little deepergoing, going, gone (‘in the drink)
Left with only pieces of a wholly, holy mess
To this, that and anyone,
just to have one
to "cheer"...
(’in the drink)

-Shelby (April ‘04)

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