Edwards blogging and brimstone cops
Given that this is exactly what (I thought) blogging was suppose to be - a venue for free speech in a growly rapid world of conservative facists...I continue to believe that people should stop being so overly concerned with what others believe, say or spout on their home pages - and perhaps concern themselves with their own actions and hmmummm...get a life.
Truly, do we have a right to put every aspect of a persons life on trial for a typical job, or employment in general? At what point do we draw a line. We appear to give presidents, actors and celebs a fairer shake than the average joe in this aspect. The average joe - without a spin doctor, pr agency, ad campaign and multi-million dollar budget - we'll - he/she best be careful I suppose on what they write in his/her personal journal of life..they might just find themselves out-o-work.
..So fellow bloggers, I guess we all need to now start saving up to hire our personal staff of highly regarded editors, PR crews and other "cover." Lest we accidently run amuck, ruin some holyrollers image of what we should think/believe or feel. "Heaven forbid" we DARE to say anything out of step with corporate, or the church. Yes, apparently we cannot even question our own religious beliefs without stepping on someones toes and causing a scandal.
So, in closing: Edwards, you should CAN yourself for responding to those brimstone cops. BTW, anyone who might have problem with my opinion(s), GOOD FOR YOU - why don't you blog on it? second (kiss my fanny) and third - feel free to leave scathing comment on my page. but unless you want to pay my unemployment - don't call my boss you whiny weiner.
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